Epicor CPQ Integration with MuleSoft

Connect Epicor CPQ with almost anything 

Connect your systems to Epicor CPQ using MuleSoft or the Epicor CPQ for a more integrated customer experience and product lifecycle.

CPQ Integration

Are your teams and production activities siloed?

Selling, ordering, designing, and manufacturing products requires the deepest level of integration

Are you able to respond to customers?

Now more than ever, companies who manufacture and sell products are responding to customer expectations by digitally transforming to leverage the wealth of information available to them to improve buyer engagement, sales, production, and profitability.

You probably suffer from information scatter

Systems and applications are scattered across the enterprise and this rich source of information can be used for dynamic pricing, CAD automation, order flow through to ERP, and more – making a huge impact to the customer experience and the way that products are manufactured.

Integrated CPQ with Epicor + MuleSoft

Integrate CPQ easily throughout your organization

It’s never been easier to connect all of your companies’ disparate data systems, apps, and processes. Simple and secure access from any cloud or on premises system allows Epicor CPQ customers to more quickly deliver satisfying customer engagements through our award-winning visual CPQ software.

Connect to a wealth of systems

Integrated CPQ connectors MuleSoft

Implement APIs and integrations faster

Hundreds of connectors, ready to go

“We are making it easier for our customers to accurately configure several of our most customized products in a virtual and self-service way.”

NanaWall Systems

Imagine the possibilities…

CPQ Integration
CPQ Integration
CPQ Integration

Dynamic and connected quotes

Smart operations

Corporate governance

Machine learning

“This tool helps us improve, automate, streamline and simplify our product offerings.”

Maclean Power Systems

Learn how to integrate CPQ with the rest of your business
