Selling Building Materials Online

Build faster deals and better products 

An effortless buying experience for a high-speed, high-stakes industry. Sell building materials quickly and accurately with KBMax.

Sell complex building products easily

Simplify your sales process. Manage a broad and diverse product portfolio. Select faultless products and bundles for your customers’ time-sensitive projects.


Make building material sales and buying easy

No matter the project’s size and scope, browsing, configuring, and buying is effortless. Give your customers a visual understanding of technical products that removes purchase anxiety and drives sales.


Streamline onboarding

Put extensive product knowledge in the hands of sales reps. Ramp new hires faster. Eliminate human error, stick to the timeline, and configure products right the first time, every time.

The Solution for Building Materials Sales

Move fast and stand out

Sales reps, distributors, and customers can configure, price, and quote the most complex products in seconds. Automate engineering processes to accelerate your sales cycle even further.

Take a visual selling approach

Selling Building Materials Online
Selling Building Materials Online
Selling Building Materials Online

Stand out from competitors

Play by the rules

“It’s now easier for our contractors to configure our roofs and easy to adopt for any new users. It also saves them a lot of time since it’s very slick and easy to navigate with better error handling features.”

Johns Manville

Automate design and manufacturing

Selling Building Manufacturing CPQ
Selling Building Manufacturing CPQ
Selling Building Manufacturing CPQ

Clear bottlenecks

Integrate everything

“Epicor CPQ gave our customers and engineers the ability to design a water quality unit to fit their needs without waiting for a response from our sales people or waiting on a design from our CAD department.”

Lane Enterprises

Reach your next customer online

Selling Building Manufacturing CPQ
Selling Building Manufacturing CPQ
Selling Building Manufacturing CPQ

Enable digital self-service

Leverage omnichannel

“We are making it easier for our customers to accurately configure several of our most customized products in a virtual and self-service way.”

NanaWall Systems

Benefits of Online Building Material Sales

Why major buildings materials brands use KBMax

2D and 3D visualization

Configure and sell products visually to educate and engage

Dynamic pricing

Calculate prices automatically and generate quotes in seconds

Digital self-service

Let customers design and buy complex products independently

Guided selling

Simplify product selection and configuration with rules

CAD automation

Generate CAD drawings and product renderings automatically


Provide a consistent experience on desktop, mobile, and beyond

What could your building materials company achieve with KBMax?
