In an earlier post, we shared the 6 Manufacturing “Must Haves” for Product Configurator Software. As we considered that list of “must haves” a number of benefits came to mind, so why not spin up another blog in this series to outline the five major benefits of manufacturers implementing a visual CPQ solution?
1.) Les configurateurs de produits 3D réduisent les coûts de vente, d'ingénierie et de fabrication.
Les commerciaux passeront et recevront moins d'appels transactionnels. Ils peuvent se concentrer sur la conclusion de transactions ou travailler avec des comptes plus stratégiques.
Engineering will not be forced to keep rendering new CAD drawings as salespeople, distributors, or customers can configure their product themselves and see it update instantly.
Manufacturing will get accurate, clear, and concise parts lists, bills of manufacture, assembly instructions and more to speed up production and reducing material waste and errors.
Obtenez une démonstration du configurateur de produits 3D d'Epicor CPQ
2.) Augmentez la satisfaction et la confiance des clients lorsqu'ils peuvent voir ce qu'ils obtiendront.
Customers love to be able to see a product before they buy, and especially previewing the exact product that they’ve customized in just the way that they want. This immediate feedback in how it looks, the price, and the ability to place the order directly eliminates the unnecessary back-and-forth of 2, 3, 4 interactions and chances to ‘dodge the sales guy’ and find another vendor.
In cases where Sales is require to be involved in the sale, the ability to visual configure the product simplifies the process and puts constraints around what they can order ensuring a product can be created by the production process. The automatically generated images and CAD drawings eliminate the need for engineering to be involved in the process, handling only exceptions or their enhancing work.
3.) Réduisez les temps de cycle de commande avec un configurateur de produit 3D.
We already established that your teams can be protected from getting inundated with basic product questions, assembling quotes, or dealing with change requests. All of that back-and-forth, manual editing, and communications slows down the entire process.
With your Logiciel CPQ tuned up properly, you can compress these cycles dramatically as quote and order data can push to your other systems, product renderings can be generated automatically, and automatisation de la fabrication can expedite and clarify what is happening on the shop floor.
4.) La simplicité de traitement augmentera vos transactions de vente et vos revenus.
Éliminez le point d'étranglement de vos équipes de vente ou d'ingénierie, car elles n'auront plus à répondre à des appels constants et à des demandes de modification pour modifier un devis ou une commande, car tout peut être modifié à la volée, même directement par un client.
An added benefit is the ability to scale your sales operations without having to add salespeople to the team as these efficiencies will allow them to handle many more customers. A good benchmark for product companies to shoot for would be a classic 80/20 rule – where CPQ would allow 80% of orders to be fully configured and ordered without aid from the sales staff, leaving the outlying 20% of deals for your salespeople to handle which require heavier customizations or other reasons for hand-holding.
5.) Les configurateurs de produits 3D augmentent la taille moyenne de votre transaction.
3D visual configurators as part of a Solution CPQ is powerful in helping your customers envision the real-world uses, constraints, and opportunities afforded to them when they are able to build a product in real-time. Buyers can clearly see when a product option will benefit them which means they have the ability to upsell themselves with little to no reluctance, because it wasn’t forced on them – instead, they discovered the solution for themselves and the added cost becomes secondary to solving the issue.