“The changes are so profound that, from the perspective of human history, there has never been a time of greater promise or potential peril.”
― Klaus Schwab, The Fourth Industrial Revolution
La Quarta Rivoluzione Industriale è a rivoluzione tecnologica “blurring the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres.” Also known as 4IR, this Fourth Industrial Revolution is well underway, and its effects are being felt across every major industry.
Continua a leggere mentre definiamo la Quarta Rivoluzione Industriale, esploriamo le tecnologie 4IR e discutiamo di come la Quarta Rivoluzione Industriale ha influenzato la produzione attraverso una varietà di casi d'uso. È tempo di adattarsi o morire perché la produzione sta cambiando. Sei?
Che cos'è il 4IR (la quarta rivoluzione industriale)?
Il termine è stato coniato nel 2016 da Klaus Schwab, il fondatore del Forum economico mondiale, alla riunione annuale dell'organizzazione. Più tardi, Schwab scrisse a blog on the subject as well as a highly influential book–La Quarta Rivoluzione Industriale–which describes “a technological revolution that will fundamentally alter the way we live, work, and relate to one another.”
Unifica produzione e vendite utilizzando CPQ Tecnologia
La tecnologia è progredita più rapidamente dei processi aziendali per i produttori ed è tempo di ristabilire l'equilibrio.
Today, the Fourth Industrial Revolution is taken to mean the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry by new technologies like artificial intelligence, additive manufacturing, augmented/virtual reality, and the IoT (Internet of Things.) It also refers to advances in connectivity that give rise to “fabbriche intelligenti ”–fully connected cyber-physical systems that merge the physical and digital realms (more like ecosystems than linear value chains.)
According to Klaus Schwab, the Fourth Industrial Revolution is leading to a “supply-side miracle.” There’ll be long-term gains in efficiency and productivity, lower transportation and communication costs, and more efficient logistics and supply chains, all of which will drive economic growth in the manufacturing sector.
Others within the World Economic Forum warn of the dark side of the Fourth Industrial Revolution–mass unemployment, AI systems smarter than us, cyber warfare, and an infinite number of other tangible and intangible threats that we can’t even conceptualize yet.
Nobody can predict how the Fourth Industrial Revolution will play out. But one thing’s for sure–the ball’s rolling. As the changes take hold and shape the future, the onus is on manufacturers to decide which digital technology (or technologies) they should adopt to remain competitive.
Il World Economic Forum e McKinsey si sono uniti nel tentativo di guidare i produttori. hanno stabilito La rete globale del faro, una comunità di impianti di produzione leader a livello mondiale che incarnano le tecnologie e i principi di produzione della Quarta Rivoluzione Industriale.
These “Lighthouses” have been selected to serve as beacons for proactive manufacturers seeking to become Fourth Industrial Revolution leaders. It’s worth checking out to see if there are any examples in your industry.
Perché il Il quarto Rivoluzione industriale?
La Quarta Rivoluzione Industriale sta sconvolgendo l’industria a un ritmo senza precedenti, ma ovviamente non è la prima volta che il rapido progresso tecnologico porta a cambiamenti e sconvolgimenti diffusi. La Quarta Rivoluzione Industriale si basa su tre rivoluzioni industriali che è venuto prima:
Il Prima Rivoluzione Industriale started in Britain around 1760, spreading to Europe and the rest of the world through the early 1800s. It was primarily powered by steam and the steam engine. It enabled manufacturers to mechanize production for the first time, resulting in new manufacturing processes, bigger factories, a booming textile industry, and mass urbanization.
- La fine del 1800 segnò l'arrivo del Seconda Rivoluzione Industriale, che ha visto l'aumento della produzione di massa causata dall'avvento dell'acciaio, del petrolio e dell'elettricità. Le principali invenzioni dell'epoca includono la lampadina, il telefono e il motore a combustione interna.
- Il Third Industrial Revolution, also called the “Digital Revolution,” occurred in the second half of the 20th century. Within a few decades, inventions like semiconductors, personal computers, and the internet changed how we work, live, and communicate forever.
Le più significative tecnologie della quarta rivoluzione industriale
The Fourth Industrial Revolution is driven by a suite of advanced technologies (themselves powered by an unprecedented quantity of data) that have been advancing for decades.
Opinions vary over which technologies should be included. Boston Consulting Group’s “Nine Pillars of Technological Advancement” is as a good model. We add a tenth pillar–artificial intelligence.
- Produzione di additivi – Also known as 3D printing, this process allows for rapid prototyping and “decentralized” digital manufacturing. Smaller production runs can be manufactured locally rather than relying on overseas factories with all the political, economic, and environmental risks that entail.
Robotica avanzata – Today’s robots combine increasingly powerful hardware and sensor technology with highly sophisticated programming and machine learning capabilities. They can carry out tasks independently, with other robots and humans, learning and improving over time.
- Analisi dei big data – As our world goes digital, vast data reservoirs are generated and stored. This big data holds hidden secrets that promise to revolutionize our understanding of economics the human condition. We need big data analytics to extract these insights.
- AI e apprendimento automatico – L’intelligenza artificiale conferisce ai programmi e alle macchine capacità decisionali simili a quelle umane. Queste funzionalità diventano più avanzate con gli algoritmi di apprendimento automatico e perfezionate nel tempo con l’esposizione a set di dati più grandi.
- The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) – The IIoT (Industrial Internet or Industrial IoT) is the backbone of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. It refers to networks of sensors and connected devices that “talk” to one another, share data, and execute functions with or without human intervention.
- Realtà aumentata e virtuale – Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) enable the creation of immersive and interactive experiences using digital simulations. In an online world, where buying often occurs at a distance, serving up products “virtually” has never been so crucial.
- Simulation – Engineering will increasingly use 3D simulations in plant operations, leveraging real-time data to create virtual models of machines, products, and humans. This enables optimization of machine settings in the virtual world before physical implementation.
- Horizontal and Vertical System Integration – Today's IT systems lack full integration, leaving companies, suppliers, customers, and even internal departments fragmented. Industry 4.0 promises a shift towards cohesive, cross-company data-integration networks, paving the way for automated value chains.
- Cybersecurity – The increased connectivity of Industry 4.0 demands new, secure, reliable methods of communications and sophisticated identity and access management.
- La nuvola – Cloud technologies facilitate the interconnectivity of devices, systems, and processes, enabling seamless data exchange across boundaries. They also provide scalable storage and computing power for handling the large volumes of data generated by Industry 4.0 technologies.
7 modi per utilizzare le tecnologie della quarta rivoluzione industriale nella tua azienda
“The Fourth Industrial Revolution is still in its nascent state. But with the swift pace of change and disruption to business and society, the time to join in is now.”
― Gary Coleman, Global Industry and Senior Client Advisor, Deloitte Consulting
La Quarta Rivoluzione Industriale guida l'efficienza, conserva le risorse, aumenta la redditività e migliora le esperienze di acquisto. Ecco solo una manciata di casi d'uso:
1. Sfruttare l’automazione per migliorare la produttività e l’efficienza delle risorse.
Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies are automating sales processes (3D configuration and proposal automation), engineering (CAD and design automation), and the factory floor (artificial intelligence and robotics). Human employees are being freed to work on the parts of their jobs that are more, well, human.
I rappresentanti di vendita possono concentrarsi sulla creazione e sul mantenimento delle relazioni, gli ingegneri possono dedicare più tempo alla ricerca e allo sviluppo e i lavoratori in officina possono evitare lavori ripetitivi, umili e pericolosi.
2. Utilizzare sensori in rete per alimentare la manutenzione predittiva sulle macchine.
Networked sensors inside factory equipment can monitor machine performance, run diagnostics, and schedule “predictive maintenance.” The result: extended life expectancy for your machines, less downtime, less waste, and increased safety.
3. Crea "gemelli digitali" per risparmiare tempo, spazio e sprechi.
Gemelli digitali are virtual replicas of physical devices (such as machines) or systems (such as factories) that live in simulated environments. To accelerate R&D and save cost, engineers can conduct rapid testing on digital twins rather than physical prototypes, saving time and money in test distruttivi (prove effettuate fino al fallimento).
4. Build a connected and flexible “smart factory”–learn and adapt to an ever-changing world.
Invece di automatizzare compiti lineari e discreti, la “fabbrica intelligente” si adatta fondamentalmente al proprio ambiente aziendale interno ed esterno. Monitora l'intero processo produttivo, da reti di approvvigionamento to inventory, machines, individual workers, and tools, making continual data-driven adjustments to achieve specific goals.
5. Leverage cloud-based systems (cloud computing) to sync geographically distributed manufacturing facilities
Companies with geographically dispersed production facilities and weak analytics are particularly vulnerable to supply chain shocks. The cloud and SaaS solutions increase resilience to globally disruptive events by providing a remote single source of truth. This data repository is accessible from anywhere, any time, on any device, breaking down silos and enhancing collaboration across borders.
6. Utilizza la configurazione del prodotto 3D per personalizzare i prodotti e personalizzare le esperienze su larga scala.
From personalized sneakers to personalized medicines, demand for customized goods is booming. The rewards for manufacturers that can supply personalized goods are significant–“ leader di personalizzazione "Sperimentano un aumento del 5-15 percento delle entrate e un aumento del 10-30 percento del ROI del marketing.
Ma la personalizzazione può essere costosa. La personalizzazione dei prodotti significa più parti, più complessità e più errori. O lo fa?
Visual product configuration makes configuring and personalizing complex products fast, easy, and accurate. Non-technical sales reps and end-customers can interact with 3D images on-screen to design highly technical products to their exact specifications. Product rules built into the back end of the software prevent mistakes, engineering inefficiencies, and production issues.
7. Semplifica la collaborazione tra i team di vendita, ingegneria e produzione con CAD e automazione della progettazione.
Engineering bottlenecks are another reason manufacturers steer clear of supplying customizable goods.
It’s all well-and-good sales teams using Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies like artificial intelligence and augmented reality to configure and sell products faster than ever. But without corresponding improvements in engineering efficiency, enhanced sales productivity only causes strain and delays downstream.
CAD and design automation solves this problem by automating the most time-consuming and repetitive engineering tasks. A visual Soluzione CPQ Piace Epicor CPQ auto-generates CAD files, technical drawings, BOMs, CNC cut sheets, and more. The entire end-to-end process is streamlined, from initial sales interaction to finished product, driving efficiency at every stage.
Le più significative tecnologie della quarta rivoluzione industriale
Digital transformation is driving the introduction of Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies within manufacturing. But digital transformation itself isn’t about technology. Instead, it’s about using new technology to deliver the products and experiences that your customers are actively seeking.
Abbiamo coperto alcuni modi specifici in cui ciò può accadere, dall'aumento CPQ processes to autonomous robots and AI-driven efficiency in the sales cycle and supply chain. However you plan for the future, ensure it’s about enhancing customer experiences–not just shiny new things.
“We must develop a comprehensive and globally shared view of how technology is affecting our lives and reshaping our economic, social, cultural, and human environments. There has never been a time of greater promise, or greater peril.”
― Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum