Direct To Consumer

EEN beter manier naar verkopen product producten direct naar consumers (DTC) 

Personalize both the product and the shopping experience, and convert visitors into loyal customers with Epicor CPQ’s DTC solutions.
Ontvang een demo

Make buying complex, customizable products simple for your customers

Provide a frictionless online shopping experience, free from confusion and time-consuming interactions

Simplify the buying process

Serve customers with convenience and flexibility. Display every available option in 2D or 3D. Add VR and AR to provide further clarity. Become the go-to online store for your products.

Streamline your DTC operations

Begeleide verkoop helps customers put together perfect products and bundles every time. Only valid configurations reach the shopping cart and your fulfillment team.

The all-in-one solution for direct-to-consumer sales

Lever de e-commerce-ervaring die uw klanten verwachten, ongeacht de complexiteit van het product

Today’s customers demand a seamless online shopping experience. Offer a consistent, integrated experience on any device, regardless of where and how customers come into contact with your store.

Stimuleer verkoop en transparantie met een visuele verkoopaanpak

Let your customers configure complex products in 2D or 3D directly on your website. They can simply click, drag, and drop sections to add, remove, upgrade, or resize. The possibilities are endless.

Show, dont tell

Customers want more product information than ever, but that doesn’t mean they want to trawl through long descriptions. Replace bloated product descriptions with slick interactive 3D visuals to boost your conversion rate by 40% and minimize returns.  

Sell with certainty

Robust product and pricing rules ensure that every configuration is optimized for profitability. Rules are easy to set up and maintain – even for non-technical users. 

“Dit is een revolutionair programma waarmee onze klanten producten kunnen ontwerpen, samenstellen en kopen. Het is wat ons betreft de toekomst voor B2B-klanten, die hiermee fantastisch maatwerkproducten kunnen ontwerpen. En bovendien veel sneller dan wanneer we zelf een tool hadden moeten bouwen.”

Outdoor Cap Company

Reach new customers and expand your business with DTC

Empower your brand with a direct-to-consumer sales channel. Provide customers with the tools they need to configure your products accurately and place orders directly.  

Centralize your product knowledge

Give your customers access to a comprehensive product configuration platform. Promote consistency and clarity with product and pricing rules that apply across your entire online store.  

Profiteer van nieuwe kansen

Achieve economies of scale and maximize your margin by selling directly to consumers. Build long-lasting relationships with your customers and gather valuable data to inform your business decisions.

“We maken het onze klanten nu veel makkelijker om uit al onze producten snel eigen ontwerpen samen te stellen. Virtuele self-service op z’n best.”


Bereik operationele uitmuntendheid

Automatiseer de meest tijdrovende verkoop- en engineeringprocessen om snel en nauwkeurig te verkopen. Elimineer menselijke fouten en verkort uw verkoopcyclus.  

Verkoop op schaal inschakelen

Verkopers configureren elke keer perfecte producten en bundels met begeleide verkoop. Bereken prijzen en genereer offertes in realtime. Bevrijd vertegenwoordigers van Excel en laat ze vrij om meer inkomsten te genereren.  

Duidelijke knelpunten

Met productregels vinden alleen geverifieerde configuraties hun weg langs de verkoop naar de engineering. Genereer automatisch CAD-uitvoer, stuklijsten, CNC-bestanden en stuklijsten. Knip het heen en weer uit en verzend producten sneller.  

“The key parts that Epicor CPQ has helped us solve was taking what the customer configured in their shopping cart directly to the shop floor to be built. For us, that automation was key to improving the customer experience.”


Aanbevolen bron

De kloof tussen verkoop en productie overbruggen met CPQ

This buyer’s guide was put together to help manufacturers define the base set of requirements to succeed with their digital transformation project, and identify the ‘features to look for’ in best-in-class CPQ oplossingen.

