2D/3D Visualization for Biotech Single-Use-Systems

Our clinics need our help.

You need to get critical supplies to the clinics that need them the most, and as fast as possible. With intense competition and growth in the single-use space, you have to win more deals, more quickly to compete.

The challenge

Buyers are suffering a crisis of confidence when it comes to spending large sums of money. They want to see what they’re getting!

The solution

Give buyers a crystal-clear visual understanding of your products to remove pre-purchase anxiety and increase deal size.



“Our product configurator, powered by Epicor CPQ, allowed us to systematize our engineering experience to generate customer specific products within minutes, not weeks.”


“Before Epicor CPQ, our sales team would create quotes that didn’t reflect accurate pricing or engineering rules. They needed to submit them to the engineering team multiple times with multiple reworks until they were correct.”

Merck Millipore
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    105% increase in deal size
    40% increase in conversion rate
    26% increase in reps achieving quota
    $2.9 million in reduced errors

    Check out more biotech single-use-systems use cases

    B2B eCommerce
    Enable visitors to interact with 3D representations of your products in real-time
    B2B2C selling
    Tap into economies of scale through new and diversified sales channels
    CAD and Design Automation
    Automatically generate the CAD drawings for sales, engineering, and production teams
    Complex product configuration
    Dynamically configure and price the most complex products
    Engineer to order
    Speed the design and manufacturing of highly variable goods
    Guided Selling
    Guide a sales rep or customer to the perfect customer-product fit
    Integrated CPQ
    Connect your people with critical business data, systems and processes
    Manufacturing automation
    Simplify and streamline engineering and manufacturing processes
    Omnichannel sales
    Open up new and immersive buying channels for your customers with omnichannel sales
    Sales Automation
    Automate manual sales tasks and to boost outbound sales productivity